„Let us serve good fame, and if one can,
May they help for the benefit of the common good”
The words of the patron of our school, the master of Polish language, have become the basis of our school’s mission. Respect for work, curiosity about the world, comprehensive development and tolerance are the values we cultivate and forward in our school. The figure and creativity of John of Czarnolas has contributed to the emergance of the scheme, that is a part of our school’s tradition. Renaissance setting, the Kochanowski family’s outfits – the poets, his wife’s, his children’s, ladies-in-waiting’s, servants’ – the music of the era are all inherent elements of this tradition. This ritual is the living element of the life of our school. Student fit and the Patron of the School Day – Świętojany are held in this tradition. colourful procession of scholars, ladies-in-waiting and the Master John’s family are all present in celebrations that are important for our town. Every year we pay tribute to Prince George during the feast at the Vocational School Complex. Thanks to this, the Kochanowski manor is a permanent and well-known element of important events in Brzeg.
In our school, we emphasise on the comprehensive development of the personality of our students. It is a continuation of Renaissance traditions linked to the demands placed on young people by the developing world. To meet this, we offer a variety of engagements and extracurricular activities.
We help all students discover and develop their talents, support them in overcoming difficulties and teach them how to solve problems. We support students with learning difficulties through a system of corrective-compensatory and equalizing classes.
Like all those who work with children or young people, we are most happy when working together brings results. It is not only about acquired places or awards, but our joy is every progress, step forward or change for the better that takes place in the young person with whom we work. It is with joy and pride that we follow the lives of our students who have already gone into the wide world.
Tłumaczenie Zofia Borończyk